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Table of Contents |
JMM is covered by
EI (Scopus) and many other Index/Citation Agents |
Vol.13 No.3&4
Next Generation Networks (NGN) and Services
Vol.13 No.1&2
Intelligence in the Context of Big Data: A Survey
Hicham M. Safhi, Bouchra Frikh,
Badr Hirchoua, Brahim Ouhbi, and Ismail Khalil
Entropy Based Personalized Learning Management System (Pelms) – An
Approach Towards Business and IT Education
Dinesh Kumar Saini
Cultural and Psychological Factors in Cyber-Security
Tzipora Halevi, Nasir Memon, James Levis, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru, Sumit
Nikita Dagar, Fadi Aloul, and Jay Chen
Recognizing and Exploring Azulejos on Historic Buildings’, Facades by
Combining Computer Vision and Geolocation in Mobile Augmented Reality
Carlos Santos, Tiago Araújo,
Paulo Chagas Junior, Bianchi Meiguins, and Nelson Neto
A Touchscreen Mobile Launcher for Arab Elderly
Muna Al-Razgan and Hend S. Al-Khalifa |
Vol.12 No.3&4
April 2017 ABSTRACT DOI: https://doi.org/10.26421/JMM12.3-4 |
Vol.12 No.1&2 April 2016 ABSTRACT DOI: https://doi.org/10.26421/JMM12.1-2
A Flexible Router with Tangible Network Interfaces for Sharing a Last
Mile and its
Toshikazu Nishimura
A Scheduling Method for
Waiting Time Reduction in Area-based Broadcasting Considering Loading
Yusuke Gotoh and Tomoki Yoshihisa
CoreASM-based Evaluation of the N-AODV Protocol for MANETs
Alessandro Bianchi, Sebastiano Pizzutilo, and Gennaro Vessio
YOUPLAY: Designing Participatory Theatrical Performance
Using Wearable Sensors
Naoya Isoyama, Masahiro Kinoshita, Ryo Izuta, Tsutomu Terada, and
Masahiko Tsukamoto
Is Bluetooth Low Energy an Alternative to Near Field Communication
Wolfgang Narzt, Lukas Furtmuller, and Matthisa Rosenthaler
Mobile Service Creation: Increasing Brand Touch-Points
for Hotels
Elias Kärle and Anna Fensel
Clustering and Nearest Neighbour Based Classification Approach for Mobile Activity Recognition
Sulaimon Bashir, Daniel Doolan, and Andrei Petrovski
Structured-light-based Depth Reconstruction Using Low-light Pico
Thomas Rittler, Florian Seitner, and Margrit Gelautz
Rapid Prototyping of a Mobile SAAS Application
A. Alamaki, A. Dirin, J. Huotari, and N. Korhonen
Privacy-Based Adaptive Context-Aware Authentication System for Personal Mobile Devices
Zhan Liu, Riccardo Bonazzi, and Yves Pigneur |
Vol.11 No.3&4
Nov 2015
ABSTRACT DOI: https://doi.org/10.26421/JMM11.3-4
Virtual 3D Restoration of an Extinct Village and its Eye-Tracking
Assessment (181-192)
Pavla Dedkova and Stanislav Popelka
Automatic Detection of Points of Interest Using Spatio-temporal Data
Mining (193-204)
Anahid Basiri, Pouria Amirian, Stuart Marsh, and Terry Moore
Towards Activity Recognition of Learners in On-line Lecture (205-212)
Hiromichi Abe, Takuya Kamizono, Kazuya Kinoshita, Kensuke Baba,
Shigeru Takano, and Kazuai Murakami
Secure-Aware Call Admission Control Scheme for Wireless Cellular
Networks Using Fuzzy Logic and Its Performance Evaluation (213-222)
Takaaki Inaba, Donald Elmazi, Shinji Sakamoto, Tetsuya Oda,
Makoto Ikeda, and Leonard Barolli
Cellular Automaton for Traffic Jam Caused by Railroad Crossing
Kaoru Fujioka and Chihiro Suwa
and Implementation of Open Campus Event System with Voice Interaction
Agent (237-250)
Takahiro Uchiya, Masaki Yoshida, Daisuke Yamamoto, Ryota
Nishimura, Ichi Takumi
Neural Network Based Intrusion Detection and User Identification System
for Tor Networks: Performance Evaluation for Different Number of Hidden
Units using Friedman Test (251-262)
Taro Ishitaki, Tetsuya Oda, Yi Liu, Donald Elmazi, Keita Matsuo,
and Leonard Barolli
Flexible Read-Write Abortion Protocol to Prevent Illegal Information
Flow among Objects (263-280)
Shigenari Nakamura, Dilawaer Duolikun, Tomoya Enokido, and Makoto
Performance Evaluation of High-Speed Communication Method by
Compactification of Design Data (281-295)
Shuji Shoji and Akio Koyama
Emotion and Mood Recognition in Response to Video (296-312)
Dini Handayani, Abdul Wahab, and Hamwira Yaacob
Software Defined Radio for Audio Signal Processing in Project Based
Learning (313-320)
Octarina Nur Samijayani, Dwi Astharini, and Ary Syahriar
Blocking Oscillator Performance Analysis for Voltage Enhancement (321-329)
Dewanto Harjunowibowot, Restu Widhi Hastuti, Anif Jamaluddin, and
Syubhan Annur
Padding and Cyclic Prefix for OFDM on Multipath Rayleigh Fading Channel (330-338)
Dwi Astharini, Tyas Bastian, Rikah Mustika, Octarina Nur
Samijayani, and Riri Safitri
SDR UAI, Virtual Machine for a Software Defined Radio
Toolpack (339-345)
Winangsari Pradani, Firdus Mubarik, and Dwi
Astharini |
Vol.11 No.1&2
April 2015 ABSTRACT DOI: https://doi.org/10.26421/JMM11.1-2
Mobile Omnidirectional Wheelchair: Its Implementation and Experimental
Keita Matsuo, Donald Elmazi, Yi Liu, and Leonard Barolli
Implementation and Evaluation of A Fuzzy-based Cluster-Head Selection
System for Wireless Sensor Networks Considering Network Traffic
Donald Elmazi, Keita Matsuo, Tetsuya Oda, Makoto Ikeda, and
Leonard Barolli
Evaluation of a RFID-Based System of a Table Type Rfid Reader
Kiyotaka Fujisaki
Improving Reliability of JXTA-Overlay Platform: Evaluation for
e-Learning and Trustworthiness (34-49)
Yi Liu, Shinji Sakamoto, Keita Matsuo, Makoto Ikeda, and Leonard
Performance Evaluation of Sightseeing Contents Considering Different
Computer Skill and Devices (50-65)
Kaoru Sugita, Ken Nishimur, and Masao Yokota
Interactive e-Learning System for Improving Students Motivation and
Self-learning by Using Smartphones
Noriyasu Yamamoto
Adaptive Remeshing for Edge Length Interval Constraining (75-89)
João Vitor de Sá Hauck, Ramon Nogueira Da Silva, Marcelo
Bernardes Vieira,
and Rodrigo Luis de Souza da Silva
Video Tensor Self-descriptor Based on Block Matching
Helena Almeida Maia, Ana Mara De Oliveira Figueiredo, Fabio Luiz
De Oliveira, Virginia Fernandes Mota, and Marcelo Bernardes
Tracing Fast-Changing Landscape of Study on Big Data (103-118)
Weiguang Wang, Xi Zhang, Patricia Ordonez de Pablos, and Jinghuai
and Multimedia Learning in Preschool Education
Athanasios Drigas, Georgia Kokkalia, and Miltiadis D. Lytras
TPACK Model to Prepare and Evaluate Lesson Plans: An Experience with
Pre-service Teachers Using Social Networks and Digital Resources (134-146)
Maria Graciela Badilla Quintana and Diana Sabillón Zelaya
Learning and Higher Education: A Theoretical Overview
Monica Aresta, Luis Pedro, and Carlos Santos
Neural Network and Expert Systems Methodologies and Applications: A
Review (157-176)
Ul Amin Rooh, AiJun Li, and Malik M. Ali |
Vol.10 No.3&4
Nov 2014
ABSTRACT DOI: https://doi.org/10.26421/JMM10.3-4
Μοbile Learning and
Multimedia Applications in Academia
Miltiadis D. Lytras and Patricia Ordóñez de Pablos
Research on Tablets Application for Mobile Learning Activities
Eugenijus Kurilovas
Networks and the Construction of Identity in Digital Environments
Mónica Aresta, Luis Pedro, Carlos Santos and António Moreira
Learning from Gaming: Teachers’ and Students’ Perceptions
Margarida Lucas
Media Utilization in B2B Networks' Organizational Learning -- Review and
Research Agenda Proposal
Elina Pettersson, Heli Aramo-Immonen,
and Jari J. Jussila
Mobile Devices for Teaching English as a Second Language in Higher
Education, the Case of DUOC in Chile
Eileen Sepúlveda Valenzuela, Maria G. Badilla Quaintana, and
Marcelo Careaga Butter
Types and Energy Consumption in Mobile Applications: an Experimental
Na Wang, Puyuan Yang, Peiquan Jin, and Lihua Yue
Using Game Theory in Computer Engineering Education through
Case Study Methodology: Kodak vs Polaroid in the
Market for Instant Cameras
Andres Faina, Jesus Lopez-Rodriguez, and Laura Varela-Candamio
Affordances of Mobile Computing Devices in Collaborative Learning
Ilias Hotzoglou
Other Research Article
GRP Methodology: an Approach to Build Routes Based on Points of Interest
A.M.Magdalena Saldaña, Miguel Torres, Oleksiy
Pogrebnyak, Marco oMoreno, and Giovanni Guzman
of Visible Images and Thermal Image Sequences for Automated Facial
Emotion Estimation
Hung Nguyen, Fan Chen, Kazunori Kotani, and Bac Le
Body Adjustment Using Iterative Inverse Kinematic and Body Parts
Ahlem Bentrah, Abdelhamid Djeffal, Mc Babahenini, Christophe
Gillet, Philippe Pudlo, and Abdelmalik Taleb-Ahmed
Detection Using De-identified Depth Data
Bjorn Kruger, Anna Vogele, Marouane Lassiri, Lukas Herwartz,
Thomas Terkatz, Andreas Weber, Carmen Garcia, Ingo Fietze, and Thomas
Penzel |
Vol.10 No.1&2
May 2014
ABSTRACT DOI: https://doi.org/10.26421/JMM10.1-2
Advanced Computing Issues in Data and Security
Editorial (1-2)
Tran Khanh Dang
Path-Consistency based Algorithm for Anomaly Detection of Spatial
Constraints in GeoXACML Policies (3-15)
Tuan Anh Dang and Tran Khanh Dang
Resolution System for Inter-Cloud Environment (16-29)
Ha Manh Tran, Synh Viet Uyen Ha, Huynh Tu Dang, and Khoa Van
Multihop Disaster Recovery Access Network (30-42)
Quang Tran-Minh, Kien Ngyen, Eiji Kamioka, and Shigeki Yamada
Overlay upper Clothing Textures to Still Images
based on Human Pose Estimation (43-57)
Quang-Song Le and Minh-Triet Tran
Inter Vehicular Communications
Technologies, Protocols, and Applications
Editorial (58-59)
Driss El Ouadghiri, Mohamed Bakhouya, and Salim Bitam
Routing Optimization for VANET Communication (60-77)
My Driss Laanaoul and Said Raghay
of VDTN Routing Protocols Performances in Sparse and Dense Traffic in
the Presence of Relay Nodes
Maria Benamar, Sara Ahnana, Fatima Zahrae Saiyari, Nabil
Benamar, Moulay Driss El Ouadghiri, and Jean-Marie Bonnin
Improving Delay Performance for Time-Critical Communications in VANET
Dong Lai Sun, Hafssa Benaboud, Jianhua Li, and Noufissa Mikou
Geo-Social Mobility Model for VANET Simulation
Nardine Basta, Amal El-Nahas, Hans-Peter
Grossmann, and Slim Abdennadher
In-Vehicle Embedded System for CAN-bus Events Monitoring
Shichao Cai, Mohamed Bakhouya, Mohamed Becherif, Jaafar Gaber,
and Maxime Wack
Measurements of an Urban Two-Tier Wireless Mesh Access Network: End-User
Perspective (141-159)
Driss Benhaddou and Julian Naranjo
Other Research Article
Design of Disaster State Presentation System Using Ultra High Resolution
Akira Sakuraba, Tomoyuki Ishida, Yasou Ebara, and Yoshitaka
Shibata |
Vol.9 No.3&4
March 1, 2014
Next Generation Networks and
Abdelkrim Haqiq, Driss Bouzidi, and Amine Berqia
of TDM Pseudo-Wires for an Efficient NGN Emulation of ISDN Multi-Channel
Circuit-Mode Bearer Services (173-188)
Javier Muñoz-Calle, Antonio J. Sierra, and Juan M. Vozmediano
Improvement Quality of the Recommendation
System Using the Intrinsic Context (189-213)
Latifa Baba-Hamed and Reda Soltani
Driven Approach to Model Interaction between Viewpoints of a Multi-view
KDD Process (214-229)
El Moukhtar Zemmouri, Hicham Behja, Brahim Ouhbi, Brigitte
Abdelaziz Marzak, and Youssef Benghabrit
of VoIP and Video Traffic over WiMAX Using Different Service Classes (230-241)
Tarik Anouari and Abdelkrim Haqiq
The S2P
Learning Model: For the Combination of the Formal and the Personal
Dimensions of Learning (242-252)
Salah Eddine Bahji, Youssef Lefdaoui, and Jamila El Alami
Protocol with GRASP-RP Selection Algorithm Based Architecture to
Transparent Mobile Sources in Multicast Mobile IPv6 Diffusion
Youssef Baddi and Mohamed Dafir Ech-Chrif El Kettani
Serialization White Framework in J2ME and its Refactoring in Black
Framework (273-285)
Mohammed Mahieddine, Mehdia Ajana El-Khaddar, and Salyha
A Novel Coverage and Connectivity Preserving
Routing Protocol for Mission-Critical Wireless Sensor Networks
Said Ben Alla and Abdellah Ezzati
Modelling and Dimensioning of LTE Network (303-318)
Mohammed Jaloun and Zouhair Guenoun
Vol.9 No.1&2
November 30, 2013
Research Articles:
Wearable Sensor based Approach to Real-Time Fall Detection and
Fine-Grained Activity Recognition (015-026)
Cuong Pham, Nguyen Ngoc
Diep, and Tu Minh Phuong
Experimental Results of a MANET Testbed for Different Settings of HELLO
Packets of OLSR Protocol (027-038)
Masahiro Hiyama, Shinji
Sakamoto, Elis Kulla, Makoto Ikeda, and Leonard Barolli
Recognizing Landscapes: Can We Change the Point of View of Geographic
Data? (039-052)
Barazzetti, Raffaella Brumana, Daniela Oreni, and Fabio Roncoroni
Energy-Aware Passive Replication of Processes (053-065)
Dilawaer Duolikun,
Ailixier Aikebaier, Tomoya Enokido, and Makoto Takizawa
Thermographic Analysis from UAV Platforms for Energy Efficiency Retrofit
Applications (066-082)
Mattia Previtali, Luigi Barazzetti, Raffaella Brumana, and Fabio
Interactive Mesh Deformation in Multiresolution through Augmented
Reality (083-100)
Renan A. Dembogurski, Rodrigo Luis De Souza Da Silva, Marcelo Bernardes
Vieira, and Bruno J. Dembogurski
Comparison Study of Simulated Annealing and Genetic Algorithm for Node
Placement Problem in Wireless Mesh Networks (101-110)
Shinji Sakamoto,
Elis Kulla, Tetsuya Oda, Makoto Ikeda, Leonard Barolli, and Fatos Xhafa
the Dual-Level Modeling Approach to Developing Applications in the
Pervasive Healthcare Environment
Joao L. Cardoso de Moraes, Wanderley Lopes de Souza, Luis Ferreira
Pires, Luciana Tricai Cavalini, and Antonio Francisco do Prado
A Hidden Markov Model for Detection & Classification of Arm Action in
Cricket Using Wearable Sensors (128-144)
Saad Qaisar, Sahar Imtiaz, Fatma Faruq, Amna Jamal, Wafa Iqbal, Paul
Glazier, and Sungyoung Lee
A Mobile
Application for Robust Feature Extraction and Cultivar Classification of
Leaves (145-154)
Dominik L. Michels and Gerrit A. Sobottka
Visualization System for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (155-170)
Akio Koyam, Shohei
Sato, Leonard Barolli, and Makoto Takiz |
Vol.8 No.4
June 20, 2013
Research Articles:
Cloud Computing and other Mobile Technologies: Survey (241-252)
Abunaser and Sawsan Alshattnawi
Logic and Temporal Information Applied to Video Quality Assessment (253-264)
Carlos D.M. Regis, Jose V.
de Miranda Cardoso, Italo de Pontes Oliveira, and Marcelo S. de Alencar
A Data Location Assurance Service for Cloud Storage Environments (265-286)
A. Noman and C. Adams |
Vol.8 No.3
November 20, 2012
Research Articles:
Techniques for Access and Data Management in Home Automation
Environments (181-203)
Collotta, Vincenzo Conti, Giovanni Pau, Gianfranco Scatà,
and Salvatore Vitabile
End-to-End single and multiple flows fairness in mobile ad-hoc networks (204-224)
Using an Android Phone as a 3D Input Device for a Multiuser 3D Drawing
Application Setup in a Collaborative Virtual Environment over the Web (225-240)
Chopra and Drew Glass |
Vol.8 No.2
June 15, 2012
Research Articles:
Recovering Drawing Order of Single-Stroke Handwritten Images Using
Probabilistic Tabu Search (073-087)
Takayuki Nagoya and Hiroyuki Fujioka
Analysis of Filed Intensity Distribution in Inhomogeneous
Propagation Environment Based on Two-Ray Model (088-104)
Honda, Kazunori Uchida, and Masafumi Takemats
Study on X-Shaped Photonic Crystal Waveguide (105-113)
Maeda, Yongmei Zhang, and Hiroyuki Terashima
A Tangible 3D Desktop Environment with Force Feedback (114-131)
Ouchi, Hiroaki Nishino, Tsuneo Kagawa, and Kouichi Utsumiya
Implicit Context Awareness by Face Recognition (132-148)
Takeda, Tsutomu Terada, and Masahiko Tsukamoto |
Vol.8 No.1
April 15, 2012
Research Articles:
and Development of the Transmission Method for Large Multimedia File
Size Using MMS Technology (001-024)
Andik Setyono, Md J. Alam, and C. Eswaran
Sharing with Multimodal Modes in Mobile Network (025-033)
Xiao Zeng, Kongqiao Wang,
and Da Huo
Energy-adaptive Multiple Paths Routing Approach for Wireless Sensor
Networks (034-048)
Shi, Kang Cai, Chenghong He, Gang Wei, and Zhilong Shan
Visualization Technique of Repetitive Structure Representation to
Support Intuitive Estimation of Music Affinity and Lightness (049-071)
Endrjukaite and Naoko Kosugi |
Vol.7 No.4
April 10, 2012
Recent Advanced Technology
for Mobile Multimedia Services
Xingang Liu
Research Articles:
Seamless Spontaneous Network Design around Opportunistic Contacts (239-255)
Yin and Min Chen
Performance Comparison of Airborne Phased-Array and MIMO Radar with
Subarrays (256-266)
Yong-Zhe Li, Hui-Yong Li,
Jun Li and Zi-Sun He
A Novel
Full-reference Video Quality Assessment Metric for Multimedia
Broadcasting Systems (267-278)
Liu, Chao Sun, and Wenjie Yang
on the Effect to the Eigen Modes and Effect of Miniaturization of the
Metal Cavity Resonators Partly Occupied by a Magnetic-dielectric
Composite Material with εr=10
and μr=10 (279-284)
Wang, Jin Pan, and Pengcheng Li
A 3D
Interactive System for 3D Display (285-304)
Lee, Effendi, and Yung-Yen Sun |
Vol.7 No.3
September 6, 2011
ABSTRACT Research Articles
The Value of Relative Quality in Video Delivery
Menkovski, Georgios Exarchakos, and Antonio Liotta
A Method for Distance Estimation Using Intra-frame Optical Flow with an
Interlace Camera
Tsutomu Terada,
Yuhki Suzuki, and Masahiko Tsukamoto
Adaptive Broadband Wideo Streaming for IPTV Wireless Access
Salah S. Majeed
and Martin Fleury
Realization of 3D Virtual World Platform for the Basic Education of
Adult Illiterates
Tassawar Iqbal, Klaus
Hammermüller, and A. Min Tjoa
Resilient Video Stream Switching for Mobile Wireless Channels
Mohammad Altaf,
Martin Fleury, and Mohammad Ghanbari |
Vol.7 No.1&2
April 6, 2011
Mobile Computing Applications and Multimedia Service Quality
Eric Pardede
Research Articles for the Theme Issues
Personalized Services for Commercial Establishments using PlaSerEs
David Marin Diaz, Alejandro Rico Zuluaga, Angela Carrillo-Ramos, María Paula Arias-Báez,
and Andrea Barraza-Urbina
Pervasive Language Learning on Modern Mobile Devices
Bartholomaus Wloka and Werner Winiwarter
A Usability Study of
a Mobile Content Sharing System
Alton Y.K. Chua, Dion Hoe-lian Goh, Khasfariyati Razikin, and Ee-Peng
A More Realistic RTP/RTCP-Based Simulation Platform for Video Streaming QoS Evaluation
Fernando Boronat, Mario Montagud and Vigent Vidal
Hash Chain Links Resynchronization Methods in Video Streaming
Security: Performance Comparison
Emad Abd-Elrahman, Mohamed Boutabia, and Hossam Afifi
The Impact of Security on VoIP Call Quality
Pedram Radmand, Jaipal Singh, Marc Domingo, Joan Arnedo, and Alex
Other Research Articles
Solution For TCP-Unfairness In IEEE802.11-based Ad-Hoc Network by
Alleviating Exposed Terminal Problem Using Cross Layer Approach
Tutun Juhana
Differentiated QoS Based on Cross-layer Optimization in Wireless ad hoc Networks
Pejman Goudarzi |
Vol.6 No.4
December 1, 2010
Research Articles
Performance Evaluation of
Wireless Sensor Networks for Mobile Event and Mobile Sink
Tao Yang, Makoto Ikeda,
Leonard Barolli, Fatos Xhafa, and Arjan Durresi
Fault Tolerant Small-World Cellular Neural Networks for Intermitted
Katsuyoshi Matsumoto, Minoru Uehara, and
Hideki Mori
Performance Analysis of
ROADMs at Peak Traffic in
All Optical Network
T.S. Indumath, K. Rajaiah, T. Srinivas,
and V. Rajappa
Image Processing and Fuzzy Vault Implementation
Nandita Bhattacharjee and Chien Eao Lee
the Design and Prototyping Loop: a Set of Tools to Support the Creation
of Activity-Based Pervasive Applications
Pascal Bruegger, Agnes
Lisowska, Denis Lalanne, and Beat Hirsbrunner |
Vol.6 No.3
September 1, 2010
Research Articles
Vol.6 No.2
June 1, 2010
Recent Advances in Mobile and Multimedia Applications
Editorial (095-096) Antonio Gentile and Salvatore Vitabile
Research Articles
Vol.6 No.1
March 1, 2010
Ubiquitous Service Systems and Technologies
Editorial (001-002) Yo-Ping Huang and Lei Ye
Research Articles on the Theme Ubiquitous Service Systems and
Vol.5 No.4
December 1, 2009
Research Articles
Channel Selection for Real-Time Multimedia Uplink Transmissions in
Ana Goulart,
Wei Zhan, and Robert
Situated Interaction and Cognition in the Wild, Wild
World: Unleashing
the Power of Users as Innovators
Hanna Risku,
Eva Mayr, and Michael Smuc
Video Streaming using Mesh P2P with MDC over MANETs
Nadian N. Qadri, Antonio Liotta, Muhammad Altaf, Martin Fleury,
and Mohammed Ghanbari
A Hierarchical
Network Design Solution for Mobile IPv6
Vilmos Simon,
László Bokor, and Sandor Imre
Analysis of
Temporal Evolution of Social Networks
Khaled Mahdi,
Maytham Safar and Hisham Farahat
Context-Sensitive Usability Evaluation in Mobile HCI
Karin A.
Hummel, Thomas Grill, and Andrea Hess |
Vol.5 No.3
September 1, 2009
Survey Article
Quality of
Service (QoS) Issues in Multimedia Wireless Network (181-202)
Sulata Mitra and Mosa A. Abu-Rgheff
Research Articles
Mesh-based P2P Live Video Streaming
with StreamComplete (203-237)
Covino and Massimo Mecella
Distributed Scheduling in a
Time-Varying Ad Hoc Network (238-254)
Tina Heikkinen and Ari Hottinen
A Scheduling Method to
Reduce Waiting Time for P2P Streaming Systems (255-270)
Yusuke Gotoh,
Kentaro Susuki, Tomoki Yoshihisa, and Masanori Kanazawa |
Vol.5 No.2
June 1, 2009
Research Articles
Analysis of
Connectivity and Session Management for Mobile Peer-to-Peer Applications
Otso Kassinen, Timo Koskela, Erkki
Harjula, Jukka Riekki, and Mika Ylianttila
Tolerance in the Mobile Environment (113-124)
Daniel C.
Doolan, Sabin Tabirca, and Laurence T. Yang
A New Lossy
and Lossless Image Representation by using Non-symmetry and Anti-packing
Model with Rectangles for Gray Images (125-139)
Mudar Sarem, Yun-Ping Zheng, and
Chuan-Bo Chen
Event-Driven Wearable System for Supporting Pit-crew and Audiences on
Motorbike Races (140-157)
Terada, Masakazu Miyamae, Yasue Kishino, Takahito Fukuda, and Masahiko
Information Management and Publish/Subscribe in VANETs (158-180)
Vivian Prinz,
Michele Brocco, and Wolfgang Woerndl |
Vol.5 No.1
March 1, 2009
Multimedia Networking and Applications
Qun Jin and Tomoya Enokido
Research Articles
MPLS Traffic
Engineering for Multimedia on Satellite Networks (003-011)
Durresi, Mimoza Durresi, Leonard Barolli, and Fatos Xhafa
Narrowcasting for Articulated Privacy and Attention in SIP Audio
Sabbir Alam,
Michael Cohen, Julian Villegas, and Ashir Ahmed
Mobile Music
Therapy with Multimedia Quality of Life Supporters for Elderly and
Disabled (029-044)
Mirenkov, Kamen Kanev, and Hiroshi Takezawa
Transmission Procedures for a Multi-Source Streaming Model in Mobile
Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Overlay Networks (045-063)
Alireza G.
Nemati and Makoto Takizawa
Trust Management in Pervasive Computing (064-080)
Mieso K.
Denko, Tao Sun, and Isaac Woungang |
Vol.4 No.3&4
October 1, 2008
Context-Sensitive Mobile Applications
Markus Aleksy and Martin Schader
Research Articles in the Theme Issue:
Towards High-Quality Mobile Applications (165-184)
Pankaj Kamthan
Foundation of Engineering Context-sensitive Applications (185-199)
Lu Yan
Techniques for the Efficient
Resource Management of Context-Sensitive Mobile Applications and Their
Utilization in Industrial Field Service (200-209)
Markus Aleksy, Ralf Gitzel, Gerhard Vollmar, Nicolaie Fantana, Christian Stich, and Makoto Takizawa
Framework for Context-Sensitive Service Discovery in Mobile Commerce
Applications (210-226)
Colin Atkinson,
Philipp Bostan, and Thomas Butter
Proxy Agents for Adaptive Delivery of Multimedia (227-240)
Rocco Aversa,
Beniamino Di Martino, Nicola Mazzocca, and Salvatore Venticinque
A Context-Aware Fuzzy-Based
Handover System for Wireless Cellular Network and its Performance
Evaluation (241-258)
Leonard Barolli, Junpei Anno, Fatos Xhafa, Arjan Durresi, and Akio Koyama
Other Research
Joint Error Concealment and Error
Recovery for Consecutive Frame Losses under the unbalanced Multiple
Description Coding Architecture (259-274)
Feng Huang,
Lifeng Sun, Bin Li, and Yuzhou Zhong
Efficient Error-Robust Wireless Video Transmission (275-292)
Ghaida A. AL-Suhail |
Vol.4 No.2
June 1, 2008
Mobile Multimedia in the
Pervasive Era
Eric Pardede,
David Taniar, Ismail Khalil, and Gabriele Kotsis
Research Articles:
Architecture and Implementation of a
trust Model for Pervasive Applications (084-103)
Sheikh I. Ahamed, Mohammad Zulkernine, Sailaja Bulusu,
and Mehrab Monjur
Navilite: a Lightweight Indoor Location-Aware Mobile Navigation Service
for the Handicapped and the Elderly (104-117)
Toshihiro Uchibayashi, Bernady
O. Apduhan, and Itsujiro Arita
Architectural and Implementation Issues for a Context-Awar Hypermedia
Platform (118-138)
Cecilia Challiol,
Andres Fortier, Silvia Gordillo, and Gustavo Rossi
INFOAREA - an Open Multi-Purpose Information System for the Mobile Age
Christian Vogt, Robert
Walter, Jorg Rasinger, and Gunther Specht
Attitudes Toward the Use and
Role of Mobile Telephony: A Comparison of East and West Malaysia
(figures&tables) (149-162)
Viren Swami, Ismail Maakip, Dhachayani Sinniah, Subash K. Pillai, Ponnusamy Subramaniam, Kumaraswami Kannan, and Adroam Furnham |
Vol.4 No.1
March 1, 2008
Multimedia Modeling and Applications
Mieso K. Denko, Elhadi Shakshuki, and Akio Koyama
Research Articles:
An Agents Based Middleware for
Personalization of Multimedia Service Delivery in SOAs (002-018)
Rocco Aversa, Beniamaino Di Martino, Nicola Mazzocca,
and Salvatore Venticinque
A Rule-based Intelligent
Multimedia Streaming Server System (019-041)
Xiao-Fei Zhou and Kenneth Ong
Mobile Multimedia for
Multiuser Environments (042-058)
Daniel C. Doolan, Sabin Tabirca, and Laurence
T. Yang
Performance Evaluation of H.264 protocol in Ad hoc Networks (059-070)
Tarek R.
Network Adaptive Layered
Multicast for Heterogeneous Wireless Networks (071-082)
Arjan Durresi, Vamsi Paruchuri, and Leonard Barolli |
Vol.3 No.4
December 15, 2007
Ismail Khalil
Research Articles:
Rate Based Cross Layer Optimizations for Image Delivery in Wireless
Sensor Networks
Honggang Wang, Dongming Peng, Wei Wang, and Hamid Sharif
TSFD: Two Stage
Frame Dropping for Scalable Video Transmission over Data Networks (298-313)
Bing Zheng and Mohammed Atiquzzaman
Performance of a
H.264/AVC Error Detection Algorithm Based on Syntax Analysis
Luca Superiori, Olivia Nemethova, and Markus Rupp
Intelligent Call Admission Control System for Wireless Cellular Networks
Based on Fuzzy Logic
Leonard Barolli
Dual-Execution Mode
Processor Architecture For Embedded Applications
Md. Musfiquzzaman Akanda, Ben A. Abderazek, and Masahiro Sowa
Vol.3 No.3
September 15, 2007
Advances in Mobile Multimedia
Networks and Multimedia Applications
Eric Pardede
Research articles:
Using a Spatial
Context Authentication Proxy for Establishing Secure Wireless
Rene Mayrhofer and Roswitha Gostner
Multimedia Flow Mobility in
Heterogeneous Networks Using Multihomed Mobile IP
Robert Brännström, Christer Åhlund, Karl Andersson,
and Daniel Granlun
Multi-Feature Integration with
Relevance Feedback on 3D Model Similarity Retrieval
Saiful Akbar, Josef Kung, and Roland Wagner
Forecasting Using Multilayer Spatial Images
Petrus Paryono
Low Cost Rendering Method for
Virtual Factory Considering Interpolation of Occluded Objects
Hiroki Takahashi, Naoyuki Tamura, Toshihiko Furue, and
Osamu Yoshie
Vol.3 No.2
June 15, 2007
Abdelhakim Hafid, Petre Dini, and Kevin H. Liu
Efficient JPEG2000 Image Transmission Using RCPT Codes Based on Channel
Operating Regions
Weiliang Liu and David G. Daut
Inter-Domain SLS
Negotiation for End-to-End UMTS/IMS QoS (118-130)
Quoc-Thinh Nguyen-Vuong and Nazim Agoulmine
Development of an
Open Source IMS Core for Emerging IMS Testbeds, the Academia and Beyond
Dragos Vingarzan, Peter
Weik, and Tomas Magedanz
Modeling IMS
Emmanuel Bertin, Imen Ben Yahia, and
Noel Crespi
Resource Management
at Connection Level for Multimedia in Wireless/Mobile Cellular Networks
M. Sanabani,
S. Shamala, M. Othman, and Z. Zukarnain
A Constraint-Based
Approach to Dynamically Adapt Multimedia Interfaces (179-196)
Jose M. Oliveira and Eurico M.
Vol.3 No.1
March 15, 2007
Ismail Khalil
Mobility Support in IP Multicast: Proposals Review and
Hassan, Farhat
Anwar and Sufyan Al-Irhayim
On Some Current Results of Graph Theory for ad-hoc Networks
Giuseppe De
Marco and Leonard
On Asynchronous Training in Sensor Networks
Qing-Wen Xu, Ruzana
Ishak, Stephan
Olariu, and Shaharuddin
Evaluation of the Delivered MPEG Video Quality over Wireless Channels
Chih-Heng Ke, Cheng-Han Lin, Ge-Kuen Shieh, Wen-Shyang Huang, Artur
Multimedia Applications for Mobile Devices: Issues and Requirements
for Authoring Tools and Development Platforms
Daphne Economou, Damianos Gavalas, Michale Kenteris, and Katy Micha
Potentials of SMIL Applications for Mobile Devices
Stormer and M.E. Ritz
Vol.2 No.4
December 15, 2006
Multimedia Networking
Context-Aware Computing
Hui-Huang Hsu, Marios C. Angelides, and Timohy K. Shih
Vol.2 No.3
September 15, 2006
IP Multimedia
Subsystem (IMS)
Abdelhakim Hafid, Petre Dini, and Kevin H. Liu
Vol.2 No.2
June 15, 2006
Ismail Khalil
Vol.2 No.1
March 15, 2006
David Taniar
Research articles:
Mobile Telemedicine System (pp002-022)
Bryan Woodward, M.Fadlee A. Rasid, Lawrence Gore and Paul Atkins
Ditis: Virtual
Collaborative Teams for Home Healthcare (pp023-036)
Andreas Pitsillides, George Samaras, Barbara Pitsillides, Do,pstjemos Georgiades, Panayiotis Andreou,
and Eleni Christodoulou
Summarization and Transcoding of Biomedical Resources for Mobile
Handheld Devices (pp037-051)
Parmanto, Andi Saptono and Lijing Song
Method for Patient-Specific Virtual Heart Based on Fiber-Fluid Model (pp052-080)
S.Y. Tan,
Selvanathan Narainasamy, and Somasundaram Nagappan
An Improvement
of Multimedia Data Downstream with PDA in an Infrastructure Network (pp081-096)
Hye-Sun Hur
and Youn-Sik Hong
Vol.1 No.4
January 15, 2006
Mobil Technologies for Health
Care Applications
Editorial (pp271-272)
Aura Ganz, Robert S.H. Istepanian,
and Ozan K. Tonguz
Research articles:
Design and Implementation of a
Mobile Diabetes Management System (pp273-284)
Ying Zou, Robert S.H. Istepanian, Xin-Heng Wang, and Tom Geake
Telemedicine for Disaster
Relief: A Novel Architecture (pp285-306)
S. Olariu, K. Maly, E.C. Foudriat, C.M. Overstreet, S.M.
Yamany, and T. Luckenbach
System Architecture of WBAN
for Ubiquitous Health Monitoring (pp307-326)
Chris Otto, Aleksandar Milenkovic, Corey
Sanders, and Emil Jovanov
Subjective Quality of Mobile
MPEG-4 Videos with Different Frame Rates
Sheliey Buchinger and
Helmut Hlavacs
Transport Layer Mechanisms for Real-Time QoS
Papadimitriou and Vassilis Tsaoussidis
Authors Index
of Vol.1 (pp364-364)
Vol.1 No.3
September 25, 2005
Mobile Multimedia Computing and Communications
Editorial (pp179-179)
Chih-Yung Chang and Jjian-Hua Ma
Research articles:
Design of a Hierarchical Group to Realize a
Scalable Group (pp180-197)
Nishimura, Naohiro Hayashibara, Tomoya Enokido, and Makoto Takizawa
Technique to Support Client Mobility (pp198-210)
Sato, Michiaki Katsumoto, and Tetsuya Miki
Round-Robin with FCFS Preemption: A Simple MAC
Scheduling Scheme for Bluetooth Piconet (pp211-223)
Li-Hsing Yen and Chi-Hung Liao
Scalable Inter-Vehicle
Communication Protocol (pp224-234)
Mimoza Durresi, Arjan Durresi, and Leonard
Hierarchical Semantic-Based Index for Ad Hoc Image Retrieval
Yang and Ali R. Hurson
Software Framework for Interactive Visualization of Behavior History
Ito, Jin Nakazawa, and Hideyuki Tokuda |
Vol.1 No.2
June 25, 2005
Editorial (pp091-091)
David Taniar
Research articles:
Interaction for Small Handheld Devices to Support Multimedia
Jani Mäntyjärvi, Sanna Kallio, Panu Korpipää, Juha Kela and Johan Plomp
From Motion to
Emotion: A Wearable System for the Multimedia Enrichment of A Butoh Dace
Michael Barry, Juerg Gutknecht, Irena
Kulka, Paul Lukowicz and Thomas Stricker
Human Face Animation Based on Video Analysis, with
Applications to Mobile Entertainment (pp133-148)
John S.-S. Tang, Alan W.-C. Liew and Hong Yan
Image Indexing and Retrieval over Mobile Devices
Simon So
Pain Data for Wheelchair Users: A Ubiquitous Approach
Serif, Gheorghita Ghinea and Andrew O. Frank |
Vol.1 No.1
March 25, 2005
Editorial (pp001-002)
David Taniar, Jian-Hua Ma,
Ismail Khalil, and Kevin H. Liu
Research articles:
MUVA: a Flexible Visualization
Architecture for Multiple Client Platforms
Lea Skorin-Kapov, Hrvoie Komericki,
Maja Matijasevic, Igor Pandzic and Miran Mosmondor
Combining Location-Aware
Mobile Phone Applications and Multimedia Messaging (pp018-032)
Jonna Häkkilä and Jani
Implementation of Location-Aware Multimedia Information Download to Mobile System (pp033-046)
Philip K.C. Tse, W.K. Lam, K.W. Ng
and Christopher Chan
Road Talk: a Roadside
Location-Dependent Audio Message System for Car Drivers (pp047-061)
Mattias Östergren and
Oskar Juhlin
Dynamic Multimedia Templates
for Users of Wireless Pervasive Computing Devices
Edouard Ma Poon and Deng-Jyi Chen |